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Ehrhardt, Thorsten; Plattner, A.; Padberg, F.; Möller, Hans-Jürgen and Hampel, H. (1999): Verhaltenstherapeutische Behandlung eines Patienten mit beginnender Alzheimer-Demenz. In: Verhaltenstherapie, No. 3: pp. 154-161 [PDF, 100kB]


The following case report shows a behavioral treatment of a 53-year-old Patient with Alzheimer's Disease (AD), The treatment includes procedures described in the Behavioral Competency Training (VKT) for patients with early-stage AD developed by Ehrhardt and associates. The program consists of about 20 weekly treatment sessions in which the patient's resources are activated and patient's coping is supported. The therapy and the intervention are debated in the light of the ongoing discussion about a state-of-the-art therapy for AD.

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