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Arend, Thomas R.; Tönnies, Marc; Reisbeck, Patrick; Rieckmann, Christopher J. P. and Kersting, Roland (2017): Physical vapor deposition of methylammonium tin iodide thin films. In: Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science, Vol. 214, No. 6, 1600796

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Methylammonium tin halides have been identified as a substitute for the lead-based perovskites in photovoltaic devices. We report the fabrication of CH3 NH3 SnI3 thin films using physical vapor deposition. The periodic deposition of SnI2 and CH3 NH3 I yields thin films that homogeneously cover areas as large as 100cm(2). The microscopic homogeneity of the layers causes a metallic reflectivity. Photoluminescence studies indicate that the density of states is inhomogeneously broadened. The films are stable as long as contact with air is avoided. Light-induced degradation is marginal, even up to illumination levels that approach the dose expected for future photovoltaic devices. Image of a branch with leaves reflected by a 10cmx10cm MASnI(3) layer, which illustrates the achieved surface quality.

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