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Alonso, Angelika; Kollmar, Rainer and Dimitriadis, Konstantin (2022): Das ist neu in der Neurointensiv- und Notfallmedizin: die wichtigsten Studien des Jahres im Rück- und Überblick. In: Nervenarzt, Vol. 93, No. 12: pp. 1228-1234

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


This review article summarizes the major clinical studies in neurological emergency and intensive care medicine from the end of 2020 to 2021 on the topics: recanalizing treatment in ischemic stroke, usefulness and effect of brain tissue oxygen monitoring in subarachnoid hemorrhage, efficacy of induced hypothermia in patients with cardiac arrest (CA), value of early cranial imaging after CA, relevance of rapid management and effects of different anticonvulsants in status epilepticus and incidence of critical illness polyneuropathy myopathy in intensive care unit patients with COVID-19 infections.

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