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Schmalzl, J.; Graf, A.; Habarta, J.; Gilbert, F.; Kimmeyer, M.; Jessen, M.; Gerhardt, C. und Lehmann, L. J. (2022): Ist die Boileau-Klassifikation für Frakturfolgen des proximalen Humerus noch aktuell? In: Obere Extremität: Schulter, Ellenbogen, Bd. 18, Nr. 1: S. 3-10

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The successful treatment of fracture sequelae of the proximal humerus remains a major challenge in clinical practice. In this review, the classification published by Boileau in 2001 is critically evaluated based on the available literature and a treatment recommendation for the different pathologies is given. In addition, subclassifications for fracture sequelae type 1, type 2 and type 3 from our own research group are presented and treatment recommendations based on the suggested subgroups are given.

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