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Stadler, Julia; Junker, Sigena; Gruendl, Julia; Froehlich, Sebastian; Beisl, Marina; Zoels, Susanne; Ritzmann, Mathias; Eddicks, Matthias; Palzer, Andreas; Sehl, Julia; Hoeper, Dirk; Unterweger, Christine; Ladinig, Andrea und Mayer, Christian (2022): Hinterhandlähmungen bei Mastschweinen im Zusammenhang mit einem neuen Stamm des porzinen Teschovirus A11. In: Tierärztliche Praxis / G, Großtiere, Bd. 50, Nr. 1: S. 59-67

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In a fattening farm in southern Germany, paralysis of the hind limbs was observed in 2 age groups (50 kg as well as 60 kg) during a 4 week period. Despite a low morbidity of 3.3 % the majority of the affected animals needed to be euthanized in consequence to the progression of their hind limb paralysis. During pathomorphological examinations of 2 affected fattening pigs severe lymphohistiocytic meningoencephalomyelitis and vasculitis were detected. Immunhistochemistry revealed the presence of Porcine Teschovirus antigen in all parts of the central nervous system as well as in several cell types (neurons, glia cells, endothelial cells, mononuclear cells). Porcine Teschovirus was detected by PCR in spinal cord samples. The subsequently performed phylogenetic analysis PCR revealed a close relation (88 % full genome sequence) to porcine Teschovirus A11 strain Dresden. Other swine relevant pathogens were excluded by PCR, bacteriologic examination and sequencing. Following a period of 4 weeks no additional cases of hind limb paralysis were observed in the fattening farm.

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