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Li, Siqi; Driver, Taran; Rosenberger, Philipp; Champenois, Elio G.; Duris, Joseph; Al-Haddad, Andre; Averbukh, Vitali; Barnard, Jonathan C. T.; Berrah, Nora; Bostedt, Christoph; Bucksbaum, Philip H.; Coffee, Ryan N.; DiMauro, Louis F.; Fang, Li; Garratt, Douglas; Gatton, Averell; Guo, Zhaoheng; Hartmann, Gregor; Haxton, Daniel; Helml, Wolfram; Huang, Zhirong; LaForge, Aaron C.; Kamalov, Andrei; Knurr, Jonas; Lin, Ming-Fu; Lutman, Alberto A.; MacArthur, James P.; Marangos, Jon P.; Nantel, Megan; Natan, Adi; Obaid, Razib; O'Neal, Jordan T.; Shivaram, Niranjan H.; Schori, Aviad; Walter, Peter; Li Wang, Anna; Wolf, Thomas J. A.; Zhang, Zhen; Kling, Matthias F.; Marinelli, Agostino and Cryan, James P. (2022): Attosecond coherent electron motion in Auger-Meitner decay. In: Science, Vol. 375, No. 6578: pp. 285-290

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


In quantum systems, coherent superpositions of electronic states evolve on ultrafast time scales (few femtoseconds to attoseconds;1 attosecond = 0.001 femtoseconds = 10(-18) seconds), leading to a time-dependent charge density. Here we performed time-resolved measurements using attosecond soft x-ray pulses produced by a free-electron laser, to track the evolution of a coherent core-hole excitation in nitric oxide. Using an additional circularly polarized infrared laser pulse, we created a clock to time-resolve the electron dynamics and demonstrated control of the coherent electron motion by tuning the photon energy of the x-ray pulse. Core-excited states offer a fundamental test bed for studying coherent electron dynamics in highly excited and strongly correlated matter.

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