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Lischke, Roman; Wiltfang, Rainer; Bechmann, Martin; Kreutzer, Thomas C.; Priglinger, Siegfried G.; Dirisamer, M. und Luft, Nikolaus (2024): Intraocular lens power calculation using total keratometry and ray tracing in eyes with previous small incision lenticule extraction. A case series. In: American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, Bd. 34, 102037 [PDF, 1MB]


Purpose: To assess the IOL power calculation accuracy in post-SMILE eyes using ray tracing and a range of total keratometry based IOL calculation formulae. Observations: Ray tracing showed excellent predictability in IOL power calculation after SMILE and its accuracy was clinically comparable with the Barrett TK Universal II and Haigis TK formula. Conclusions and importance: Incorporating posterior corneal curvature measurements into IOL power calculation after SMILE seems prudent. The ray tracing method as well as selected TK-based formulae yielded excellent accuracy and should be favored in post-SMILE eyes.

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