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Zisler, Eva ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8824-9377; Meule, Adrian ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6639-8977; Koch, Stefan ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-4731-4455; Schennach, Rebecca und Voderholzer, Ulrich (2024): Duration of daily life activities in persons with and without obsessive–compulsive disorder. In: Journal of Psychiatric Research, Bd. 173: S. 6-13 [PDF, 490kB]


Persons with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) are often impaired in their daily level of functioning due to their time-consuming obsessions and/or compulsions. To date, however, studies are lacking that quantify how much time persons with OCD actually spend on activities of daily living. Therefore, the current study assessed 13 daily life activities (in minutes) with a self-report questionnaire in 299 persons with OCD at admission to inpatient treatment and 300 age- and sex-matched persons without OCD. A majority of persons with OCD indicated that they experienced obsessions and/or compulsions when leaving (84%) and cleaning (70%) the apartment, grocery shopping (66%), changing clothes (66%), and showering with (62%) and without (63%) shampooing. Persons with OCD who experienced obsessions and/or compulsions during a given daily life activity—but not those who did not experience obsessions and/or compulsions during these activities—reported longer durations for performing 10 of the 13 activities than persons without OCD. For most activities, longer durations related weakly but significantly to higher OCD symptom severity. Results indicate that the duration of daily life activities seems to depend more on whether persons with OCD experience obsessions and/or compulsions during a specific activity and less on whether a person is diagnosed with OCD in general. Future studies may use other assessment methods that allow for tracking the duration in daily life in real time.

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