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Pavanello, Fabio; Marchand, Cedric; O’Connor, Ian; Orobtchouk, Régis; Mandorlo, Fabien; Letartre, Xavier; Cueff, Sebastien; Vatajelu, Elena Ioana; Di Natale, Giorgio; Cluzel, Benot; Coillet, Aurelien; Charbonnier, Benoit; Noé, Pierre; Kavan, Frantisek; Zoldak, Martin; Szaj, Michal; Bienstman, Peter; Vaerenbergh, Thomas Van; Rührmair, Ulrich; Flores, Paulo; Guerra e Silva, Luis; Chaves, Ricardo; Silveira, Luis-Miguel; Ceccato, Mariano; Gizopoulos, Dimitris; Papadimitriou, George; Karakostas, Vasileios; Brando, Axel; Cazorla, Francisco J.; Canal, Ramon; Closas, Pau; Gusi-Amigó, Adriá; Crovetti, Paolo; Carpegna, Alessio; Carmona, Tzamn Melendez; Di Carlo, Stefano und Savino, Alessandro (2023): NEUROPULS: NEUROmorphic energy-efficient secure accelerators based on Phase change materials aUgmented siLicon photonicS. 28th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), Venice, Italy, 22. - 26. Mai 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Hrsg.), In: 2023 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), Piscataway: IEEE.

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This special session paper introduces the Horizon Europe NEUROPULS project, which targets the development of secure and energy-efficient RISC-V interfaced neuromorphic accelerators using augmented silicon photonics technology. Our approach aims to develop an augmented silicon photonics platform, an FPGA-powered RISC-V-connected computing platform, and a complete simulation platform to demonstrate the neuromorphic accelerator capabilities. In particular, their main advantages and limitations will be addressed concerning the underpinning technology for each platform. Then, we will discuss three targeted use cases for edge-computing applications: Global National Satellite System (GNSS) anti-jamming, autonomous driving, and anomaly detection in edge devices. Finally, we will address the reliability and security aspects of the stand-alone accelerator implementation and the project use cases.

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