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Bry, François; Rieß, Frank-André and Spranger, Stephanie (2005): A Reasoner for Calendric and Temporal Data. Extended Version. [PDF, 194kB]


Calendric and temporal data are omnipresent in countless Web and Semantic Web applications and Web services. Calendric and temporal data are probably more than any other data a subject to interpretation, in almost any case depending on some cultural, legal, professional, and/or locational context. On the current Web, calendric and temporal data can hardly be interpreted by computers. This article contributes to the Semantic Web, an endeavor aiming at enhancing the current Web with well-defined meaning and to enable computers to meaningfully process data. The contribution is a reasoner for calendric and temporal data. This reasoner is part of CaTTS, a type language for calendar definitions. The reasoner is based on a "theory reasoning" approach using constraint solving techniques. This reasoner complements general purpose "axiomatic reasoning" approaches for the Semantic Web as widely used with ontology languages like OWL or RDF.

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