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Bry, François; Eckert, Michael; Patrânjan, Paula-Lavinia and Romanenko, Inna (2006): Realizing Business Processes with ECA Rules. Benefits, Challenges, Limits. PPSWR 2006, 4th International Workshop Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, Budva, Montenegro, 10. - 11. Juni 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin u.a.: Springer. pp. 48-62 [PDF, 197kB]


Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules offer a flexible, adaptive, and modular approach to realizing business processes. This article discusses the use of ECA rules for describing business processes in an executable manner. It investigates the benefits one hopes to derive from using ECA rules and presents the challenges in realizing business processes. These constitute a list of requirements for an (executable) business process description language, and we take them as a basis to investigate suitability of the concrete ECA rule language XChange in realizing a business process from the EU-Rent Case Study.

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