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Plank, C.; Schillinger, U.; Scherer, F.; Bergemann, C.; Rémy, J.-S.; Krötz, F.; Anton, M.; Lausier, J. and Rosenecker, J. (2003): The magnetofection method: Using magnetic force to enhance gene delivery. In: Biological Chemistry, Vol. 384, No. 5: pp. 737-747 [PDF, 259kB]


In order to enhance and target gene delivery we have previously established a novel method, termed magnetofection, which uses magnetic force acting on gene vectors that are associated with magnetic particles. Here we review the benefits, the mechanism and the potential of the method with regard to overcoming physical limitations to gene delivery. Magnetic particle chemistry and physics are discussed, followed by a detailed presentation of vector formulation and optimization work. While magnetofection does not necessarily improve the overall performance of any given standard gene transfer method in vitro, its major potential lies in the extraordinarily rapid and efficient transfection at low vector doses and the possibility of remotely controlled vector targeting in vivo.

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