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Fenge, Robert and Meier, Volker (2008): Regional policy as a means to curb immigration. In: Gelauff, George M. M. (ed.) : Subsidiarity and economic reform in Europe. Berlin: Springer. pp. 311-324

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Regional policy accounts for approximately 35% of the EU budget (European Commission 2005). This share is even likely to increase further in the next few years, following the accession of twelve Member States in 2004 and 2007. The regional policy budget of the EU is mainly spent on subsidies for infrastructure investment in poor regions. The so-called structural funds subsidize infrastructure spending in regions with a GDP per capita of less than 75% of the EU average. The cohesion fund supports environmental and traffic infrastructure in poorer Member States, where the GDP per capita threshold lies at a level of 90% of the EU average.

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