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Dietze, Volker; Seyed-Emami, Kazem and Raoufian, Ahmand (2014): Morphoceras Douvillé, 1880 and Ebrayiceras Buckman, 1920 from the Dalichai Formation (Lower Bathonian) North and Northeast of Damghan (Northeast Alborz), Iran. In: Zitteliana, Vol. A 54: pp. 15-22 [PDF, 837kB]


Several species of the genera Morphoceras Douvillé, 1880 and Ebrayiceras Buckman, 1920 are described from the Dalichai Formation of eastern Alborz Mountains (northeast Iran), including one new species, M. kelarizis. The fauna comes from a few meters of red nodular limestones and marls in “Ammonitico Rosso” facies. It represents a typical Northwest-Tethyan fauna, closely related to Central Europe (Subboreal / Submediterranean provinces).


Mehrere Exemplare der Gattungen Morphoceras Douvillé, 1880 und Ebrayiceras Buckman, 1920 werden aus der Dalichai Formation m östliche Alborz Gebirge (Nordost Iran) beschrieben, darunter eine neue Art, M. kelarizis. Die Fauna stammt aus einigen Metern eines roten nodularen Kalksteins und Mergeln in “Ammonitico Rosso” Fazies; sie ist eine typische Nordwest-Tethys Fauna mit engen Beziehungen zu Zentraleuropa (subboreale / submediterrane Provinzen).

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