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Kettner, Marcos and Klapötke, Thomas M. (2014): 5,5'Bis-(trinitromethyl)-3{,}3'-bi-(1{,}2{,}4-oxadiazole): a stable ternary CNO-compound with high density. In: Chemical communications, Vol. 50, No. 18: pp. 2268-2270 [PDF, 1MB]

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5,5prime or minute-Bis-(trinitromethyl)-3{,}3prime or minute-bi-(1{,}2{,}4-oxadiazole) is a new ternary CNO-compound. It has been synthesized by nitration of diammonium 5{,}5prime or minute-bis-(dinitromethanide)-3{,}3prime or minute-bi-(1{,}2{,}4-oxadiazole) with nitronium tetrafluoroborate. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show a remarkable high density. Thermal stability and sensitivities of the new compound were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and standardized drop hammer and friction tests.

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