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Friker, Jutta; Maierl, Johann und Liebich, Hans-Georg (2000): Synovialmembranen an der Gelenkkapsel des Sprunggelenkes beim Pferd. In: Pferdeheilkunde, Bd. 16, Nr. 3: S. 270-276

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The synovial membrane of the tarsal joint was examined in 40 hind legs of 32 horses. Only healthy joints were used for this examination. Some of the legs have been frozen before examination, others where examined immediately post mortem. Intraarticular injection, light and electron microscopy were used to study the anatomical circumstances. In order to show the dimensions of the distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joint different kinds of materials (Tensolzement(R), gelatine, indian ink) where injiected into these joints, using the medial approach. According to these preparations it is shown that there is a dorsal recess in the distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joint as described in the proximal intertarsal and tarsocural joints. The histological results show that in all joints with great motility there is mainly a synovial membrane of the adipose and areolar type (tarsocrural joint, proximal intertarsal joint). In the distalintertarsal joint and the tarsometatarsal joint synovial membrane of the fibrous type is found as well as parts showing the areolar type. The results of the macroscopical and histological examinations could be confirmed by using scanning electron micrography. At the dorsal aspecto f all joints of the equine tarsus the synovial membrane is covered by villi. These structures ore typical for a wide port of the joint capsules. That means that on one side there is a dorsal recess in all joints of the equine tarsus. On the other side you can find a synovial membrane of the areolar and fibrous type in all of these joints, not only in the proximal port of the tarsus. The functional significance is discussed as an improvement of the nutrition or the articular cartilage through dorsal recess.

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