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Grill, Eva; Strobl, Ralf; Müller, Martin; Quittan, Michael; Kostanjsek, Nenad and Stucki, Gerold (2011): ICF Core Sets for early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. In: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 2: pp. 131-138 [PDF, 416kB]


OBJECTIVE: To identify candidate categories for International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for the reporting and measurement of functioning in patients in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. DESIGN: Prospective multi-centre cohort study. PATIENTS: Patients receiving rehabilitation interventions for musculoskeletal, neurological or cardiopulmonary injury or disease in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. METHODS: Functioning was coded using the ICF. The criterion for selecting candidate categories for the ICF Core Sets was based on their ability to discriminate between patients with high or low functioning status. Discrimination was assessed using multivariable regression models, the independent variables being all of the ICF categories of the respective comprehensive ICF Core Set. Analogue ratings of overall functioning as reported by patients and health professionals were used as dependent variables. RESULTS: A total of 165 patients were included in the study (67 neurological, 37 cardiopulmonary, 61 musculoskeletal), mean age 67.5 years, 46.1 female. Selection yielded 38 cate-gories for neurological, 32 for cardiopulmonary, and 31 for musculoskeletal. CONCLUSION: The present selection of categories can be considered an initial proposal, serving to identify the issues most relevant for the assessment and monitoring of functioning in patients undergoing early post-acute rehabilitation for neurological, cardiopulmonary, and musculoskeletal conditions.

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