ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6372-2487; Tutz, Gerhard und Wippert, Pia Maria
(31. August 2017):
Variable selection and inference in a follow-up study on back pain.
Department of Statistics: Technical Reports, Nr. 206
[PDF, 519kB]

The Lasso of Tibshirani (1996) is a useful method for estimation and implicit selection of predictors in a linear regression model, by using a `1-penalty, if the number of observations is not markedly larger than the number of possible pre-dictors. We apply the Lasso to a predictive linear regression model in a study with baseline and follow up measurement for unspecific low back pain with a focus on theselection of psycho sociological predictors. Practitioners want to report measures of uncertainty for estimated regression coeÿcients, i.e. p-values or confidence intervals, where post selection classical t-tests are not valid anymore. In the last few years several approaches for inference in high-dimensional data settings have been devel-oped. We do a selective overview on assigning p-values to Lasso selected variables and analyse two methods in a simulation study using the structure of our data set. We find out that Multi Sample Splitting (Wasserman and Roeder, 2009; Meinshausen et al., 2009) may not be helpful for generating p-values, while the LDPE approach of Zhang and Zhang (2014) produces promising results for type-I-errors and power calculations on single hypotheses. Therefore, we apply the LDPE for the analysis of our back pain study.
Dokumententyp: | Paper |
Keywords: | Lasso; Multi Sample Splitting; LDPE; inference; post selection infer-ence, MiSpEx Network |
Fakultät: | Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik
Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik > Statistik > Technische Reports |
Themengebiete: | 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 510 Mathematik |
JEL Classification: | C 41 |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-epub-40387-8 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Dokumenten ID: | 40387 |
Datum der Veröffentlichung auf Open Access LMU: | 04. Sep. 2017, 13:19 |
Letzte Änderungen: | 13. Aug. 2024, 11:45 |
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