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Stephan, Anna-Janina; Kovacs, Eva; Phillips, Amanda; Schelling, Jörg; Ulrich, Susanne and Grill, Eva (2018): Barriers and facilitators for the management of vertigo: a qualitative study with primary care providers. In: Implementation science : IS 13:25 [PDF, 1MB]

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BACKGROUND: Although the management of patients presenting with vertigo and dizziness in primary care has been reported to be inefficient, little is known about the primary care providers' (PCPs) perspectives, needs, and attitudes regarding vertigo management. The objective of this study was to understand which challenges and barriers PCPs see when diagnosing and treating patients presenting with vertigo or dizziness. Specifically, we wanted to identify facilitators and barriers of successful guideline implementation in order to inform the development of targeted interventions. METHODS: A theory-based interview structure was developed based on the implementation theory of capability, opportunity, and motivation for behaviour change (COM-B) using questions based on constructs from the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Transcripts of the semi-structured interviews were analysed using directed content analysis. The pathways through which guideline characteristics and supportive interventions affect the relationship between the PCPs' perceived capability, opportunity, and motivation as well as their practice of managing vertigo patients were graphically presented using the COM-B model structure. RESULTS: Twelve PCPs from Bavaria in Southern Germany participated in semi-structured interviews. Diagnostics posed the biggest challenge in vertigo management to the PCPs. Requirements for an acceptable guideline were stakeholder involvement in the development process, clarity of presentation, and high applicability. Guideline implementation might be effectively supported through educational meetings and sustained by organisational interventions. CONCLUSIONS: From the PCPs' perspective, both guideline characteristics and interventions supporting guideline implementation may help resolve challenges in vertigo management in primary care. These results should be used to guide future interventions in the primary care setting to ensure successful and targeted patient management.

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