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Baur, X.; Heger, M.; Bohle, R. M.; Hering, K. G.; Hofmann-Preiß, K.; Nowak, Dennis ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7871-8686; Tannapfel, A.; Teschler, H.; Voshaar, T.; Kraus, T.; Duell, M.; Heise, B. und Palfner, S. (2016): S2k-Leitlinie nach AWMF-Schema der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin „Diagnostik und Begutachtung der Berufskrankheit Nr. 4101 Quarzstaublungenerkrankung (Silikose)[1] der Berufskrankheitenverordnung“. In: Pneumologie, Bd. 70, Nr. 12: S. 782-812

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During the last 1.5 years an update of the guideline on silicosis was made by an interdisciplinary working group. New medical and scientific knowledge and the experience in expert opinion practice were taken into account. By preparing the initial guideline in 2010 standardization of diagnostics and adaption of the "Moers convention" which was not based on medical knowledge was in the focus, whereas the current update deals with fine emendation and extension, especially of the compensation rate (adaption with the Reichenhall recommendation). The diagnosis of silicosis (including mixed dust pneumoconiosis) is based on a detailed occupational history, and predominantly on the typical radiological findings. However, at initial diagnosis the standardized LD-HRCT takes an important role because of its high sensitivity and specificity. Exceptional cases are those with characteristic findings in chest X-ray follow-up. Correspondingly, it is mentioned in the guideline: "The standardized appraisal of the Low-Dose-Volume HRCT requires application of the CT classification (ICOERD, International Classification of Occupational and Environmental Respiratory diseases). In order to diagnose silicosis in CT scan opacities with sharp borders in both central upper lung fields and their circumferencies have to be documented. By comparing with ILO standard radiographs at least profusion category 1 in the right and left upper lung fields has to be reached (total profusion category 2)." The pathologic minimal requirement for the diagnosis of silicosis which has undergone controversial discussion has now also been defined. Corresponding to Hnizdo et al. 2000 it is now mentioned: "Finding of less than 5 silicotic granuloma per lung lobe by palpation is regarded as insignificant." This is a convention and not a threshold based on detailed medical scientific and statistical studies;it is based on extended experience in the South African gold mines. This guideline also deals with silicotic hilar (and sometimes mediastinial) lymph nodes;according to the guideline working group they do not closely correlate with the degree of pulmonary involvement. Extended conglomerating and enduring lymphnode processes may lead to dislocation of the hili with impairment of large bronchi and vessels. Shell-like calcifications dominating in the periphery of lymph nodes produce so-called eggshell hili. The paragraph on exercise testing is now extended: if neither ergometry nor spiroergometry can be performed a 6 minute walking test by measuring oxygen saturation should be done. Furthermore, in individual expert opinion examinations right heart catheterization (the patient is not obliged to give informed consent) may be recommended, if echo cardiography gives evidence for pulmonary hypertension or if it is difficult to differentiate between right and left heart failure. The presence of pulmonary hypertension which is of prognostic relevance has to be considered when grading reduction in earning capacity. For interpretation of spirometry values the new GLI reference values has to be applied. Grading of impairment is due to the recommendation of the DGP. According to current medical scientific knowledge it is unclear, whether certain disorders of the rheumatic group such is scleroderma or Caplan syndrome which are sometimes associated with silicosis (or coal workers' pneumoconiosis) belong in toto to the occupational disease number 4101 (silicosis). Within this context, additional studies are needed to clarify the role of occupational quartz exposure and other risk factors. The guideline working group hopes that this update will help to optimize diagnostics and expert opinion of silicotic patients.

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