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Fuchs, Anna; Führer, Daniel; Bierbaum, Anna-Lena; Zietlow, Anna-Lena; Hindi-Attar, Catherine; Neukel, Corinne; Kluczniok, Dorothea; Kaess, Michael; Kramschuster, Anna; Reck, Corinna; Möhler, Eva; Lehmkuhl, Ulrike; Bermpohl, Felix; Brunner, Romuald; Resch, Franz and Bödeker, Katja (2016): Transgenerationale Einflussfaktoren kindlicher Inhibitionskontrolle: Mütterliche Traumaerfahrung, Depression und Impulsivität. In: Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, Vol. 65, No. 6: pp. 423-440

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


Children's level of inhibitory functioning has been shown to be positively associated with child adjustment over the course of development. Examining a sample of 194 mothers and their five to twelve year old children, we analyzed whether children of mothers with a history of childhood abuse (n = 30), mothers with remitted depression (n = 38), mothers with a history of abuse and remitted depression (n = 51) and children of comparison group mothers (n = 75) differed in their inhibitory performance. In addition, we examined the role of maternal impulsivity. Children's level of inhibitory functioning was assessed using three subtests of the developmental neuropsychological assessment battery NEPSY. Assignment to one of the four groups was based on recognized and valid clinical interviews. Maternal impulsivity was measured using a self report questionnaire. Data analyses did not reveal any group differences in children's inhibitory performance. However, we found a moderating effect of maternal impulsivity: Children whose mothers reported a history of childhood abuse and high levels of impulsivity were found to show lower levels of inhibition than children whose mothers reported a history of abuse and low levels of impulsivity. Implications for research and clinical practice are discussed.

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