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Gluz, O.; Nitz, U.; Christgen, M.; Kates, R.; Clemens, M.; Kraemer, S.; Nuding, B.; Aktas, B.; Kuemmel, S.; Reimer, T.; Lorenz-Salehi, F.; Krabisch, P.; Just, M.; Augustin, D.; Liedtke, C.; Svedman, C.; Shak, S.; Wuerstlein, R.; Kreipe, H. and Harbeck, N. (2016): Prospective WSG phase III PlanB trial: Clinical outcome at 5 year follow up and impact of 21 Gene Recurrence Score result, central/local-pathological review of grade, ER, PR and Ki67 in HR+/HER2-high risk node-negative and -positive breast cancer. In: European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 57: S6-S6

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