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Euchner, Eva-Maria and Preidel, Caroline (1. July 2017): Politicisation Without Party Discipline. A New Perspective on Christian Democracy in Modern Times. In: Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 70, No. 3: pp. 465-488

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Scholars of morality politics have argued that while secular parties politicise value-driven issues, Christian Democrats are more reluctant to do so. By investigating the individual cosponsoring of proposals on conscience issues in the German Bundestag between 2005 and 2009, we show that Christian Democrats use their freedom in this context and engage more frequently in politicising moral issues than deputies of secular parties. However, MP’s engagement is also shaped by their religious denomination and the policy-specific issue salience. These findings enrich our understanding of the ‘Christian-Democratic Phoenix’ in modern times and shed new light on the motives that drive agenda setting of morality issues in the parliamentary arena.

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