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Schulte-Körne, G. (2017): Lese- und/oder Rechtschreibstörung. Symptomatik, Diagnostik und Behandlung. In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, Vol. 165, No. 6: pp. 476-481

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With a prevalence of 4-5% each, reading and/or spelling disorders are frequent school development problems. The procedures for diagnosis are different, the knowledge about evidence-based treatment methods is quite small and there is little input from practice. Based on the recently published S3 diagnostic and treatment guidelines, the evidence-based and consensus-based recommendations for the diagnostic workup and their implementation as well as the recommendations for remedial educational interventions and treatment are presented. This article is a narrative review based on the recommendations of the S3 guideline. In addition to the use of standardized, currently normed test methods for the measurement of reading speed, errors and comprehension and spelling, the diagnosis should also check the presence of comorbid disorders including disorder of mathematical abilities. Only evidence-based methods should be used for treatment. Remedial educational interventions should take place as early as possible;prevention in a period 6 months before schooling is recommended. In addition to the systematic treatment of reading and spelling disorder, treatment should also take account of psychosocial stress and mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders, depression or behavioral disorders. The publication of the S3 guideline provides for the first time evidence- and consensus-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of reading and/or spelling disorders. The implementation of the guideline is made more difficult by health insurance companies refusing to accept the costs for the treatment of reading and/or spelling disorders. The respective rules and regulations of the different federal states in Germany regarding the support of pupils with reading and/or spelling disorders lead to very different treatments and interventions for those pupils.

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