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Sünkel, Karlheinz; Blum, Adrian; Polborn, Kurt and Lippmann, Elisabeth (1990): Koordinationschemie -gebundener Cyclopentadienyl-Chalkogeno-Ether. I. Chelatkomplexe von Pentakis(methylthio)cymantren mit Metallcarbonylen. In: Chemische Berichte, Vol. 123, No. 6: pp. 1227-1231 [PDF, 1MB]

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Coordination Chemistry of rr-Bonded Cyclopentadienyl Chalcogeno Ethers, I. - Chelate Complexes of Pentakis(methylthio)cymantrene with Metal Carbonyls [C5(SMe)5]Mn(CO)3 (1) reacts with W(CO)5(THF), Mo(CO)4(C7H8), Cr(CO)3(NCMe)3, and Re(CO)4(-C3H5)/HBF4 to yield the monochelate complexes [[C5(SMe)5]Mn(C0)3][M(CO)4] (M = W: 2; M = Mo: 3) and the dichelate complexes [[C5(SMe)5]Mn(CO)3][M(C0)4]2 (M = W: 4; M = Cr: 5; M = Re BFF4 : 6). The reaction with Mo(CO)3(p-xylene) in THF leads via unstable intermediates, which contain coordinated THF, to a mixture of 3 and [[C5(SMe)5]Mn(CO)3][Mo(CO)4]2 (7). The structures of 3 and 4 in the crystal have been determined by X-ray diffraction methods.

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