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Sünkel, Karlheinz and Hofmann, Julian (1992): Coordination chemistry of perhalogenated cyclopentadienes and alkynes. 8. Pentakis(dimethylsilyl)cymantrene. In: Organometallics, Vol. 11: pp. 3923-3925 [PDF, 348kB]


Starting from [q5-C5Br5]M n(CO),, the first r-complex of a cyclopentadienyl ligand with five silyl substituents, [q 5-C5(SiMe2H)5M] n(CO),, was prepared by a series of halogen-lithium exchange reactions, followed by silylation with SiMe2HCI. The crystal structure determination of this compound shows a highly symmetrical "paddle wheel" orientation of the five silyl groups around the cyclopentadienyl ring.

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