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Sünkel, Karlheinz and Birk, Uwe (1993): Komplexchemie perhalogenierter Cyclopentadiene und Alkine. XIII. Darstellung, Reaktionen und Strukturen von [C5Cl4M]Mn(CO)3 (M = Mn(CO)5, Au(PPh3)). In: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Vol. 458, No. 1-2: pp. 181-186 [PDF, 532kB]


[C5Cl4Br]Mn(CO)3 reacts with butyllithium and Mn(CO)5Br or Au(PPh3)Cl to give the bimetallic cyclopentadienyl-bridged complexes [C5Cl4Mn(CO)5]Mn(CO)3 (1) and [C5Cl4Au(PPh3)]Mn(CO)3 (2), respectively. The molecular structures of 1 and 2 show no or very weak interactions between the metal centers. 1 reacts with BuLi and Au(PPh3)Cl in a formal substitution reaction to give 2. PPh3 replaces one CO ligand in 1 to yield [C5Cl4[Mn(CO)4(PPh3)]]Mn(CO)3 (3).

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