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Garcia, E. Victor; Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Stassun, Keivan G.; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Lozi, Julien; Kudo, Tomoyuki; Doughty, Danielle; Schlieder, Josh; Kwon, J.; Uyama, T.; Kuzuhara, M.; Carson, J. C.; Nakagawa, T.; Hashimoto, J.; Kusakabe, N.; Abe, L.; Brandner, W.; Brandt, T. D.; Feldt, M.; Goto, M.; Grady, C. A.; Hayano, Y.; Hayashi, M.; Hayashi, S. S.; Henning, T.; Hodapp, K. W.; Ishii, M.; Iye, M.; Janson, M.; Kandori, R.; Knapp, G. R.; Matsuo, T.; McElwain, M. W.; Miyama, S.; Morino, J.-I.; Moro-Martin, A.; Nishimura, T.; Pyo, T.-S.; Serabyn, E.; Suenaga, T.; Suto, H.; Suzuki, R.; Takahashi, Y. H.; Takami, H.; Takami, M.; Takato, N.; Terada, H.; Thalmann, C.; Turner, E. L.; Watanabe, M.; Wisniewski, J.; Yamada, T.; Usuda, T. and Tamura, M. (2017): SCExAO and GPI Y JH band photometry and integral field spectroscopy of the young brown dwarf companion to HD 1160. In: Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 834, No. 2, 162

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We present high signal-to-noise ratio, precise Y JH photometry and Y band (0.957-1.120 mu m) spectroscopy of HD 1160 B, a young substellar companion discovered from the Gemini NICI Planet Finding Campaign using the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics instrument and the Gemini Planet Imager. HD 1160 B has typical mid-M dwarf-like infrared colors and a spectral type of M5.5(-0.5)(+1.0), where the blue edge of our Y band spectrum rules out earlier spectral types. Atmospheric modeling suggests HD 1160 B has an effective temperature of 3000-3100 K, a surface gravity of log g - 4-4.5, a radius of. 1.55 +/- 0.10 R-J, and a luminosity of log L/L circle dot - 2.76 +/- 0.05. Neither the primary's Hertzspring-Russell diagram position nor atmospheric modeling of HD 1160 B show evidence for a subsolar metallicity. Interpretation of the HD 1160 B spectroscopy depends on which stellar system components are used to estimate the age. Considering HD 1160 A, B and C jointly, we derive an age of 80-125 Myr, implying that HD 1160 B straddles the hydrogen-burning limit (70-90 M-J) If we consider HD 1160 A alone, younger ages (20-125 Myr) and a brown dwarf-like mass (35-90 M-J) are possible. Interferometric measurements of the primary, a precise Gaia parallax, and moderate-resolution spectroscopy can better constrain the system's age and how HD 1160 B fits within the context of (sub) stellar evolution.

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