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Bartelmus, Alexa; Frame, Grant; Novotny, Jamie and Radner, Karen (2016): Suhu: The Inscriptions of Suhu online. Munich: MOCCI

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


This project presents annotated editions of the officially commissioned texts of the extant, first-millennium-BC inscriptions of the rulers of Suhu, texts published in Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 275-331. The open-access transliterations and translations were made avaiable through the kind permission of Grant Frame and with funding provided by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Suhu online is based at LMU Munich (Historisches Seminar, Alte Geschichte) and is managed by Jamie Novotny and Karen Radner. Alexa Bartelmus and Grant Frame are the primary content contributors.

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