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Dingwell, Donald B. (1993): Experimental strategies for the investigation of low temperature properties in granitic and pegmatitic melts. In: Chemical Geology, Vol. 108, No. 1-4: pp. 19-30 [PDF, 915kB]


The physical behavior of silicate melts during the final stages of intrusion in the earth's crust are poorly understood. In particular, the low temperature limit of igneous petrogenesis is poorly constrained. The extreme differentiates of granitic magmatism that lead to pegmatite genesis span a very large range of composition not normally considered to be within the domain of igneous melt compositions. This combination of very low petrogenetic temperatures and extreme chemistries requires a concentrated effort for the determination of melt properties under conditions of pressure, temperature and composition appropriate to these systems. An experimental strategy for the determination of melt properties under appropriate conditions is presented. The determination of individual melt properties at very low temperatures is described with the aid of three examples, heat capacity, volume and viscosity. In this way the physical behavior of an important component of the earth's crust will become accessible.

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