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Ziegelmüller, B. K.; Spek, A.; Szabados, B.; Casuscelli, J.; Clevert, D. -A. and Stähler, M. (2018): Epidemiologie und Diagnostik kleiner Nierentumoren. In: Urologe, Vol. 57, No. 3: pp. 274-279

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The incidence of small renal masses has been rising over the last few decades. At the same time, mortality of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is decreasing. These trends can be explained by the availability of improved therapeutic measures and the good prognosis of small renal masses (SRM) turning out to be histopathologically benign or of low malignancy in many cases. The aim of this article is to present epidemiology and diagnostic assessment of SRM. Statistics, basic research, guidelines. The incidence of SRM is rising due to the widespread use of imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Sensitivity is excellent for CEUS and for CECT in the characterization of SRM, while good specificity values can be reached by MRI. For characterization of complex cystic renal masses, CEUS has good diagnostic accuracy. Due to improved diagnostic possibilities, SRMs can be diagnosed in early asymptomatic stages. As SRM have a good prognosis and often are of low malignancy therapy, options should be carefully considered;especially in older patients, active surveillance should considered.

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