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Pantchev, Nikola; Fleisch, Silvia; Huisinga, Elke; Nather, Stephanie; Scheufelen, Miriam; Vrhovec, Majda Globokar; Schweinitz, Andrea; Hampel, Herwig and Straubinger, Reinhard K. (2018): Zeckenübertragene Erkrankungen beim Hund in Deutschland – Teil 1: Borreliose, Anaplasmose, Babesiose: Status quo und Überblick zur Erregerübertragung, Vorkommenshäufigkeit, Verbreitung und Prophylaxe. In: Kleintierpraxis, Vol. 63, No. 5: pp. 278-302

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


Tick-borne diseases in dogs have gained in significance in German veterinary practices. The widespread European tick species Ixodes ricinus represents an important vector for spirochaetes of the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato group and Rickettsiales such as Anaplasma phagocytophilum. The meadow or ornate dog tick (Dermacentor reticulatus) is an important vector for Babesia canis, as is the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) for Babesia vogeli in the Mediterranean region. This review covers pathogen transmission by tick vectors, including the mechanisms and the minimum intervals required, in conjunction with incubation periods and possible non-vector-borne transmission routes. Current data on prevalence and distribution in various pre-selected dog populations (symptomatic versus asymptomatic) are depicted on maps. A summary is given of methods for prophylaxis using acaricide products (collars, spot-on solutions and oral treatments), vaccination (Borrelia and Babesia vaccines) and imidocarb-based chemoprophylaxis for large Babesia.

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