Jia, S.; Shen, C. P.; Yuan, C. Z.; Adachi, I.; Aihara, H.; Al Said, S.; Asner, D. M.; Aulchenko, V.; Aushev, T.; Ayad, R.; Baba, V.; Badhrees, I.; Bansa, V.; Behera, P.; Beleno, C.; Bhuyan, B.; Bilka, T.; Biswa, J.; Bozek, A.; Bracko, M.; Cervenkov, D.; Chekelian, V.; Chen, A.; Cheon, B. G.; Chilikin, K.; Cho, K.; Choi, S.-K.; Choi, Y.; Choudhuroy, S.; Cinabro, D.; Cunliffe, S.; Dash, N.; Carlo, S. di; Dolezal, Z.; Eidelman, S.; Fast, J. E.; Ferber, T.; Fulsom, B. G.; Garg, R.; Gaur, V.; Gabyshev, N.; Garmash, A.; Gelb, M.; Giri, A.; Goldenzweig, P.; Guido, E.; Haba, J.; Hara, T.; Hayasaka, K.; Hayashii, H.; Hedges, M. T.; Hirose, S.; Hou, W.-S.; Iijima, T.; Inami, K.; Inguglia, G.; Ishikawa, A.; Itoh, R.; Iwasaki, M.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jägle, I.; Jeon, H. B.; Jin, Y.; Julius, T.; Karyan, G.; Kawasaki, T.; Kiesling, C.; Kim, D. Y.; Kim, H. J.; Kim, J. B.; Kim, K. T.; Kim, S. H.; Kinoshita, K.; Kodys, P.; Korpar, S.; Kotchetkov, D.; Krizan, P.; Kröger, R.; Krokovny, P.; Kuhr, T.; Kulasiri, R.; Kumita, T.; Kwon, Y-.J.; Lange, J. S.; Lee, I. S.; Lee, S. C.; Li, L. K.; Li, Y.; Li, Y. B.; Li Gioi, L.; Libby, J.; Liventsev, D.; Lubej, M.; Luo, T.; MacNaughton, J.; Masuda, M.; Matsuda, T.; Merola, M.; Miyabayashi, K.; Miyata, H.; Mizuk, R.; Moon, H. K.; Mussa, R.; Nakano, E.; Nakao, M.; Nanut, T.; Nath, K. J.; Natkaniec, Z.; Nayak, M.; Niiyama, M.; Nishida, S.; Ogawa, S.; Okuno, S.; Ono, H.; Pakhlov, P.; Pakhlova, G.; Pal, B.; Pardi, S.; Park, H.; Paul, S.; Pedlar, T. K.; Pestotnik, R.; Piilonen, L. E.; Popov, V.; Ritter, M.; Rostomyan, A.; Russo, G.; Sakai, Y.; Salehi, M.; Sandilya, S.; Santelj, L.; Sanuki, T.; Savinov, V.; Schneider, O.; Schnell, G.; Schwanda, C.; Seino, Y.; Senyo, K.; Sevior, M. E.; Shebalin, V.; Shibata, T.-A.; Shiu, J.-G.; Shwartz, B.; Simon, F.; Sokolov, A.; Solovieva, E.; Stanic, S.; Staric, M.; Strube, J. F.; Sumihama, M.; Sumiyoshi, T.; Takizawa, M.; Tamponi, U.; Tanida, K.; Tenchini, F.; Trabelsi, K.; Uchida, M.; Uglov, T.; Uno, S.; Urquijo, P.; Usov, Y.; Hulse, C. van; Varner, G.; Vinokurova, A.; Vorobyev, V.; Vossen, A.; Wang, B.; Wang, C. H.; Wang, M.-Z.; Wang, P.; Wang, X. L.; Watanabe, M.; Widmann, E.; Won, E.; Ye, H.; Zakharov, S.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhilich, V.; Zhukova, V.; Zhulanov, V. und Zupanc, A.
Search for gamma (1S,2S) -> Z(c)(+)Z(c)((')-) and e(+)e(-) -> Z(c)(+)Z(c)((')-) at root s=10.52, 10.58, and 10.867 Gev.
In: Physical Review D, Bd. 97, Nr. 11, 112004
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The first search for double charged charmoniumlike state production in gamma (IS) and gamma (2S) decays and in e(+) e(-) annihilation at root s = 10.52, 10.58, and 10.867 GcV is conducted using data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy electron-positron collider. No significant signals are observed in any of the studied modes, and the 90% credibility level upper limits on their product branching fractions in gamma(1S) and gamma(2S) decays [B(gamma(1S, 2S) -> Z(c)(+)Z(c)((')-)) x B(Z(c)(+) -> pi(+) + c (c) over bar ) (c (c) over bar = J / psi, chi(c1) (1P), psi(2S))] and the product of Born cross section and branching fraction for e(+)e(-) -> Z(c)(+)Z(c)((')-)) (sigma(e(+)e(-) -> Z(c)(+)Z(c)((')-)) x B(Z(c)(+) -> pi(+) + c (c) over bar )) at root s = 10.52, 10.58, and 10.867 GeV are determined. Here, Z(c) refers to the Z(c) (3900) and Z(c) (4200) observed in the pi J/psi final state, the Z(c1)(4050) and Z(c2)(4250) in the pi chi(c1)(1P) final state, and the Z(c)(4050) and Z(c)(4430) in the pi psi(2S) final state.
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