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Michels, G.; Wengenmayer, F.; Hagl, C.; Dohmen, C.; Boettiger, B. W.; Bauersachs, J.; Markewitz, A.; Bauer, A.; Graesner, J-T; Pfister, R.; Ghanem, A.; Busch, H-J; Kreimeier, U.; Beckmann, A.; Fischer, M.; Kill, C.; Janssens, U.; Kluge, S.; Born, F.; Hoffmeister, H. M.; Preusch, M.; Boeken, U.; Riessen, R. and Thiele, H. (2019): Empfehlungen zur extra­korporalen kardiopulmo­nalen Reanimation (eCPR): Konsensuspapier der DGIIN, DGK, DGTHG, DGfK, DGNI, DGAI, DIVI und GRC. In: Anasthesiologie & Intensivmedizin, Vol. 60: pp. 84-93

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (eCPR) may be considered as a rescue attempt for highly selected patients with refractory cardiac arrest and potentially reversible aetiology. Currently, there are no randomised, controlled studies on eCPR, and valid predictors of benefit and outcome are lacking, which might guide indication of eCPR. Currently, selection criteria and procedures differ across hospitals and standardised algorithms are lacking. Based on expert opinion the present consensus statement provides a first standardised treatment algorithm for eCPR.

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