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Beekenkamp, Thomas and Hulshof, Tim (2019): Sharpness for inhomogeneous percolation on quasi-transitive graphs. In: Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol. 152: pp. 28-34

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In this note we study the phase transition for percolation on quasi-transitive graphs with quasi-transitive inhomogeneous edge-retention probabilities. A quasi-transitive graph is an infinite graph with finitely many different "types" of edges and vertices. We prove that the transition is sharp almost everywhere, i.e., that in the subcritical regime the expected cluster size is finite, and that in the subcritical regime the probability of the one-arm event decays exponentially. Our proof extends the proof of sharpness of the phase transition for homogeneous percolation on vertex-transitive graphs by Duminil-Copin and Tassion (2016) and the result generalizes previous results of Antunovic and Veselic (2008) and Menshikov (1986). (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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