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Pervak, Vladimir; Amotchkina, Tatiana; Wang, Qing; Pronin, Oleg; Mak, Ka Fai and Trubetskov, Michael (2019): 2/3 octave Si/SiO2 infrared dispersive mirrors open new horizons in ultrafast multilayer optics. In: Optics Express, Vol. 27, No. 1: pp. 55-62

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Dispersive mirrors operating in a broadband infrared spectral range are reported for the first time. The mirrors are based on Si/SiO2 thin-film materials. The coatings exhibit reflectance exceeding 99.6% in the spectral range from 2 to 3.2 mu m and provide a group delay dispersion of -100 fs(2) and -200 fs(2) in this range. The fabricated mirrors are expected to be elements of Cr:ZnS/Cr:ZnSe femtosecond lasers and amplifiers. The mirrors open a new avenue in the development of ultrafast dispersive optics operating in the infrared spectral range. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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