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Underbring, A. G.; Kellerer, Albrecht M.; Mills, R. E. and Sparrow, A. H. (1976): Comparison of X-ray and gamma-ray dose-response curves for pink somatic mutations in Tradescantia clone 02. In: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Vol. 13, No. 4: pp. 295-303 [PDF, 469kB]


Microdosimetric data indicate that the mean specific energy,zeta, produced by individual charged particles from X rays and gamma rays is different for the two radiation qualities by nearly a factor of two. In order to test whether this influences the initial, linear component in the dose-effect relations, a comparison was made between dose-response curves for pink somatic mutations inTradescantia clone 02 stamen hairs following X and gamma irradiations. Absorbed doses ranged from 2.66 to 300 rad. The results are in agreement with predictions made on the basis of microdosimetric data. At low doses gamma rays are substantially less effective than X rays. The RBE of gamma rays vs. X rays at low doses was approximately 0.6, a value lower than those usually reported in other experimental systems.

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