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Petervari, Judit and Danek, Amory H. (2019): Problem solving of magic tricks: guiding to and through an impasse with solution cues. In: Thinking & Reasoning

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This study investigated how problem solvers get into and out of a state of impasse while solving difficult problems. 47 participants had to decipher the secret method behind 33 magic tricks while repeatedly giving feeling of warmth ratings. After the first viewing of each trick, participants were led into an impasse by presenting two implausible solutions, together with the information that those were incorrect. After another viewing, cues were given to guide out of the impasse. Warmth ratings were flat and non-increasing after the implausible solution manipulation, suggesting a state of impasse. Cues helped to overcome the impasse, with higher solution rates for pictorial (49%) than for verbal cues (39%) and both higher than a no cue condition (29%). Warmth ratings also reflected cue efficacy, with higher ratings after helpful cues. This study represents a first attempt at influencing the onset and offset of the state of impasse.

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