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Imburgia, M. J.; Kuo, C-Y; Briggs, D. R.; Irschick, D. J. and Crosby, A. J. (2019): Effects of Digit Orientation on Gecko Adhesive Force Capacity: Synthetic and Behavioral Studies. In: Integrative and Comparative Biology, Vol. 59, No. 1: pp. 182-192

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In this study we developed an analytical relationship between adhesive digit orientation and adhesive force capacity to describe the tendencies of climbing organisms that use adhesion for climbing to align their toes in the direction of loading, maximizing adhesive force capacity. We fabricated a multi-component adhesive device with multiple contact surfaces, or digits, to act as a model system mimicking the angular motion of a foot and found the synthetic experiments agree with the developed analytical relationship. In turn, we find that observations of gekkonid lizards climbing on vertical substrates correlate well with our analytical relationship;a reduction in toe spacing is seen on the forelimbs when the animals are facing up. Interestingly, the toes on the hindlimbs tend to have an increase in spacing, possibly a mechanism for stabilization rather than load-bearing.

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