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Scriba, Peter Christian; Beckers, C.; Bürgi, H.; Escobar del Rey, F.; Gembicki, M.; Koutras, D. A.; Lamberg, B. A.; Langer, P.; Lazarus, J. H.; Querido, A.; Thilly, C. and Vigneri, R. (1985): Goitre and Iodine Deficiency in Europe. In: The Lancet, Vol. 325, No. 8441: pp. 1289-1293 [PDF, 298kB]


The prevalence of endemic iodine-deficiency goitre in Europe has been reduced in many areas by the introduction of iodination programmes. Recent reports, however, show that goitre remains a significant problem and that its prevalence has not decreased in a number of European countries. Hetzel1 has pointed out that the high global prevalence of iodine-deficiency disorders could be eradicated within 5-10 years by introduction of an iodised salt programme. The current World Health Organisation recommendations for iodine intake are between 150 and 300 μg/day

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