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Adams, Stefan and Dickson, Matthew (2021): An Explicit Large Deviation Analysis of the Spatial Cycle Huang-Yang-Luttinger Model. In: Annales Henri Poincare, Vol. 22, No. 5: pp. 1535-1560

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We introduce a family of 'spatial' random cycle Huang-Yang-Luttinger (HYL)-type models in which the counter-term only affects cycles longer than some cut-off that diverges in the thermodynamic limit. Here, spatial refers to the Poisson reference process of random cycle weights. We derive large deviation principles and explicit pressure expressions for these models, and use the zeroes of the rate functions to study Bose-Einstein condensation. The main focus is a large deviation analysis for the diverging counter term where we identify three different regimes depending on the scale of divergence with respect to the main large deviation scale. Our analysis derives explicit bounds in critical regimes using the Poisson nature of the random cycle distributions.

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