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Benedikter, Niels; Nam, Phan Thanh; Porta, Marcello; Schlein, Benjamin and Seiringer, Robert (2021): Bosonization of Fermionic Many-Body Dynamics. In: Annales Henri Poincare, Vol. 23, No. 5: pp. 1725-1764

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


We consider the quantum many-body evolution of a homogeneous Fermi gas in three dimensions in the coupled semiclassical and mean-field scaling regime. We study a class of initial data describing collective particle-hole pair excitations on the Fermi ball. Using a rigorous version of approximate bosonization, we prove that the many-body evolution can be approximated in Fock space norm by a quasi-free bosonic evolution of the collective particle-hole excitations.

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