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Graeser, Monika; Schrading, Simone; Gluz, Oleg; Strobel, Kevin; Herzog, Christopher; Umutlu, Lale; Frydrychowicz, Alex; Rjosk-Dendorfer, Dorothea; Wuerstlein, Rachel; Culemann, Ralph; Eulenburg, Christine; Adams, Jascha; Nitzsche, Henrik; Prange, Anna; Kuemmel, Sherko; Grischke, Eva-Maria; Forstbauer, Helmut; Braun, Michael; Potenberg, Jochem; Schumann, Raquel von; Aktas, Bahriye; Kolberg-Liedtke, Cornelia; Harbeck, Nadia; Kuhl, Christiane K. and Nitz, Ulrike (2021): Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound for prediction of residual tumor size in early breast cancer within the ADAPT subtrials. In: Breast Cancer Research, Vol. 23, No. 1, 36

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


Background Prediction of histological tumor size by post-neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was evaluated in different breast cancer subtypes. Methods Imaging was performed after 12-week NAT in patients enrolled into three neoadjuvant WSG ADAPT subtrials. Imaging performance was analyzed for prediction of residual tumor measuring <= 10 mm and summarized using positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values. Results A total of 248 and 588 patients had MRI and ultrasound, respectively. Tumor size was over- or underestimated by < 10 mm in 4.4% and 21.8% of patients by MRI and in 10.2% and 15.8% by ultrasound. Overall, NPV (proportion of correctly predicted tumor size <= 10 mm) of MRI and ultrasound was 0.92 and 0.83;PPV (correctly predicted tumor size > 10 mm) was 0.52 and 0.61. MRI demonstrated a higher NPV and lower PPV than ultrasound in hormone receptor (HR)-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive and in HR-/HER2+ tumors. Both methods had a comparable NPV and PPV in HR-/HER2- tumors. Conclusions In HR+/HER2+ and HR-/HER2+ breast cancer, MRI is less likely than ultrasound to underestimate while ultrasound is associated with a lower risk to overestimate tumor size. These findings may help to select the most optimal imaging approach for planning surgery after NAT.

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