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Hager, Laura; Kamp, Felicia; Proebstl, Lisa; Behle, Nina; Pogarell, Oliver and Koller, Gabriele (2021): Inhalant Abuse of Ethyl Chloride Spray: A Case Report. In: Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie, Vol. 89, No. 07/08: pp. 382-384

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Ethyl chloride spray, which is usually used to relieve pain after injuries, is increasingly being used as a sniffing alternative. The number of people using this is rising due to its easy availability, cost-effectiveness and legality. The high lipid solubility of ethyl chloride leads to a rapid absorption of it in the lungs. However, data on the biotransformation of ethyl chloride in humans are sparse. We present the case of a 53-year-old male who had been inhaling ethyl chloride up to 3 times a week since 25 years, and describe his symptoms and the circumstances of abuse. This should help raise awareness of this issue so that abuse can be recognized early and rapid action taken.

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