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Hollaender, Olivia; Schwender, Kristina; Boehme, Petra; Fleckhaus, Jan; Haas, Cordula; Han, Yang; Heidorn, Frank; Klein-Unseld, Rachel; Lichtenwald, Julia; Naue, Jana; Neubauer, Jacqueline; Poetsch, Micaela; Schneider, Peter M.; Wagner, Wolfgang and Vennemann, Marielle (2021): Forensische DNA-Methylierungsanalyse: Erster, technischer Ringversuch der Arbeitsgruppe „Molekulare Altersschätzung“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin. In: Rechtsmedizin, Vol. 31, No. 3: pp. 192-201

Full text not available from 'Open Access LMU'.


Quantitative analysis of relative DNA methylation is currently one of the most promising methods of molecular age estimation. In recent years numerous studies identified potential DNA methylation markers showing age-dependent changes in their relative methylation state. For routine application of this method validation is an important prerequisite. One aspect of validation is the degree of comparability of analytical data between laboratories. The working group on molecular age estimation of the German Society for Legal Medicine (DGRM) conducted a first technical proficiency test comprising four age estimation markers within the genes PDE4C, EDARADD, SST and KLF14. These positions were previously characterized as age-dependent biomarkers. A total of 12 laboratories participated using pyrosequencing and/or minisequencing techniques for quantitative analysis of DNA methylation. Each laboratory received blood and buccal swab samples from three individuals of different ages. Laboratories were free in their choice of reagents and material for sequencing. Minisequencing results showed systematic deviations between laboratories, which are believed to originate from differing reagents and sequencing platforms. The results of pyrosequencing did not show clear signs of systematic deviation but did show differences in the comparability between markers. Different levels of technical problems were reported, which correlated with the amount of experience with the sequencing technology. Both systematic and specific differences between analytical data produced in different laboratory settings lead to the conclusion that while it is generally possible to transfer an age estimation method to another laboratory, a mathematical model for age estimation might need to be adjusted accordingly.

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