Anzahl der Publikationen: 10
Bauer, Daniel; Dosch, Dominik E.; Fuchs, Veronika; Karaghiosoff, Konstantin und Klapötke, Thomas M.
A Study of 3,5-Dinitro-1-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-amine (PicADNP) as a New High Energy Density Booster Explosive.
In: European Journal of Organic Chemistry, Bd. 2021, Nr. 13: S. 1964-1970
Berndt, Markus; Thomas, Franziska; Bauer, Daniel; Haertl, Anja; Hege, Inga; Kääb, Stefan; Fischer, Martin R. und Heitzmann, Nicole
The influence of prompts on final year medical students' learning process and achievement in ECG interpretation.
In: GMS Journal for Medical Education, Bd. 37, Nr. 1, Doc11
Zupanic, Michaela; Kreuer, Jelena; Bauer, Daniel; Nouns, Zineb M.; Ehlers, Jan P. und Fischer, Martin R.
Spontaneously retrievable knowledge of German general practitioners depending on time since graduation, measured with the progress test medicine.
In: GMS Journal for Medical Education, Bd. 37, Nr. 5, Doc49
Zupanic, Michaela; Ehlers, Jan P.; Fricke, Julia; Gerken, Ruth-Maria; Hofmann, Marzellus; Nitsche, Janina; Fischer, Martin R. und Bauer, Daniel
Qualitative Studies on Implicit Criteria during the Individualized Selection Procedure for Medical Studies at Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H).
In: Gms Journal for Medical Education, Bd. 36, Nr. 1, Doc3
Lahner, Felicitas-Maria; Lorwald, Andrea Carolin; Bauer, Daniel; Nouns, Zineb Miriam; Krebs, Rene; Guttormsen, Sissel; Fischer, Martin R. und Huwendiek, Sören
Multiple true-false items: a comparison of scoring algorithms.
In: Advances in Health Sciences Education, Bd. 23, Nr. 3: S. 455-463
Bauer, Daniel; Huwendiek, Sören und März, Maren
Pass, fail - On Standard Setting Procedures for the Assessment of Practical Skills at Medical Schools in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
In: GMS Journal For Medical Education, Bd. 33, Nr. 4, Doc50
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