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DateNumber of items: 2.
Journal article
Kaleja, O.; Andelic, B.; Bezrodnova, O.; Blaum, K.; Block, M.; Chenmarev, S.; Chhetri, P.; Droese, C.; Duellmann, Ch E.; Eibach, M.; Eliseev, S.; Even, J.; Filianin, P.; Giacoppo, F.; Goetz, S.; Gusev, Yu; Gutierrez, M. J.; Hessberger, F. P.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.; Laar, J. J. W. van de; Laatiaoui, M.; Lohse, S.; Martynova, N.; Ramirez, E. Minaya; Mistry, A. K.; Murboeck, T.; Novikov, Yu; Raeder, S.; Rodriguez, D.; Schneider, F.; Schweikhard, L.; Thirolf, P. G. und Yakushev, A.
Direct high-precision mass spectrometry of superheavy elements with SHIPTRAP.
In: Physical Review C, Vol. 106, No. 5, 54325
Kaleja, O.; Andelic, B.; Blaum, K.; Block, M.; Chhetri, P.; Droese, C.; Dullmann, Ch. E.; Eibach, M.; Eliseev, S.; Evens, J.; Goetz, S.; Giacoppo, F.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.; Laatiaoui, M.; Ramirez, E. Minaya; Mistry, A.; Murboeck, T.; Raeder, S.; Schweikhard, L. und Thirolf, P. G.
The performance of the cryogenic buffer-gas stopping cell of SHIPTRAP.
In: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, Vol. 463: pp. 280-285
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