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Number of items: 9.


Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) (2007): Salvaguardia del creato e sviluppo sostenibile: orizzonti per le chiese in Europa. Etica e politiche ambientali, Vol. 7. Padova [u.a.]: Lanza [u.a.].

Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) (2006): Schöpfungsverantwortung in Europa. Documentation of the Council of the European Bishop's Conferences six consultations for the environmental appointees ; [1999 - 2004]. S.l.: Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae.

Book Section

Vogt, Markus; Numico, Sarah and Golser, Karl (2007): Sintesi Delle Consultazioni Sulla Responibilità Per Il Creato In Europa. In: Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) : Salvaguardia del creato e sviluppo sostenibile: orizzoni per le chiese in Europa. Etica e politiche ambientali, Padova: Fondazione Lanza [u.a.]. pp. 3-21

Vogt, Markus (2007): Potenzialità della respnsibilità ecumenica per la sostenibilità. In: Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) : Salvaguardia del creato e sviluppo sostenibile: orizzoni per le chiese in Europa. Etica e politiche ambientali, Padova: Fondazione Lanza [u.a.]. pp. 213-235

Vogt, Markus (2007): Potentiale ökumenischer Verantwortung für Nachhaltigkeit. In: Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) : Schöpfungsverantwortung in Europa : records of the Council of the European Bishops' Conferences six consultations for the environmental appointees Responsibility for creation in Europe. [Bad Honnef]: Bock+Herchen-Verlag. pp. 499-527

Vogt, Markus (2007): Nachhaltiger Lebensstil. Das Beispiel „Kirchliches Umweltmanagement“. In: Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) : Schöpfungsverantwortung in Europa : records of the Council of the European Bishops' Conferences six consultations for the environmental appointees Responsibility for creation in Europe. [Bad Honnef]: Bock+Herchen-Verlag. pp. 326-327

Vogt, Markus (2007): Vom Umweltfrust zur Schöpfungslust – Christliche Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) : Schöpfungsverantwortung in Europa : records of the Council of the European Bishops' Conferences six consultations for the environmental appointees Responsibility for creation in Europe. [Bad Honnef]: Bock+Herchen-Verlag. pp. 207-213

Vogt, Markus (2007): Der Beitrag der Kirchen zur Weltkonferenz für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Johannesburg. In: Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) : Schöpfungsverantwortung in Europa : records of the Council of the European Bishops' Conferences six consultations for the environmental appointees Responsibility for creation in Europe. [Bad Honnef]: Bock+Herchen-Verlag. pp. 398-404

Vogt, Markus; Numico, Sarah and Golser, Karl (2007): Einführung in die Dokumentation der Konsultationen der Umweltbeauftragten des Rates der europäischen Bischofskonferenzen. In: Vogt, Markus and Numico, Sarah (eds.) : Schöpfungsverantwortung in Europa : records of the Council of the European Bishops' Conferences six consultations for the environmental appointees Responsibility for creation in Europe. [Bad Honnef]: Bock+Herchen-Verlag. pp. 10-42

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