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Number of items: 20.


Stutz, Jonathan (2024): Stasis. Crowd Violence and Religious-Political Discourses in Late Antiquity. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum / Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity (STAC), Vol. 137. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Stutz, Jonathan (2017): Constantinus Arabicus. Die arabische Geschichtsschreibung und das christliche Rom. Piscataway: Gorgias.

Critical edition

Wallraff, Martin ORCID logoORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1085-8601; Stutz, Jonathan und Marinides, Nicolas (eds.) (2018): Gelasius of Caesarea: Ecclesiastical History: The Extant Fragments With an Appendix containing the Fragments from Dogmatic Writings. Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte. Neue Folge, Vol. 25. Berlin: De Gruyter

Journal article

Stutz, Jonathan (2022): 'When God sees us in the circuses’. Salvian of Marseille’s De gubernatione Dei and the critique of Roman society. In: Early Medieval Europe, Vol. 30

Bonfiglio, Emilio und Stutz, Jonathan (2022): The Arabic Translations of John Chrysostom: State of the Art and Methodology. In: Le Muséon, Vol. 135, No. 3-4: pp. 417-450

Stutz, Jonathan (2021): Slandering the Bishop. The Synod of Tyre in Athanasius of Alexandria’s Apologia contra Arianos and Gelasius of Caesarea. In: Studia Patristica, Vol. 127: pp. 109-120

Stutz, Jonathan (2020): The “Feigned Conversion of Constantine” in Early Islamic Literature. In: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Vol. 20: pp. 1-14

Stutz, Jonathan (2020): Mocking Parades and the Place of Pagan Statuary in Late Antique Alexandria. In: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, Vol. 24, No. 2: pp. 270-288

Stutz, Jonathan (2020): Mocking Parades and the Place of Pagan Statuary in Late Antique Alexandria. In: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum-Journal of Ancient Christianity, Vol. 24, No. 2: pp. 270-288

Stutz, Jonathan (2019): The writings of Mārūtā of Maipherqat and the Making of Nicaea in Arabic. In: Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, Vol. 71, No. 1-2: pp. 1-28

Stutz, Jonathan (2018): Konziliarismus im Zeitalter der Reformation. Die Konzilsschrift Enea Silvio Piccolominis in der Basler Erstausgabe. In: Theologische Zeitschrift (Basel), Vol. 74, No. 2: pp. 189-214

Book Section

Stutz, Jonathan (June 2024): Aufstieg zu Gott in der Zelle. Wilhelm von Saint-Thierry und sein Brief an die Kartäuser von Mont-Dieu. In: Butz, Magdalena; Kellner, Beate; Reichlin, Susanne und Rugel, Agnes (eds.) : Aufmerksamkeit und Wachsamkeit. Praktiken und Semantiken in der mittelalterlichen Literatur und Frömmigkeit. Vigilanzkulturen, Vol. 8. de Gruyter. pp. 181-202

Stutz, Jonathan (2022): Glauben in der Verbannung: Exilgeschichten in den Viten der östlichen Heiligen des Johannes von Ephesos. In: Burlacioiu, Ciprian (ed.) : Migration and Diaspora Formation : New Perspectives on a Global History of Christianity. Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, Vol. 152. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 91-109

Stutz, Jonathan (2010): Piccolominis Bericht über das Konzil. In: Wallraff, Martin und Stöcklin-Kaldewey, Sara (eds.) : Schatzkammern der Universität Basel. Die Anfänge einer 550-jährigen Geschichte ; Katalog zur Ausstellung. Basel: Schwabe. pp. 94-95


Stutz, Jonathan (2024): [Review of] al-Makīn Ǧirǧis Ibn al-ʿAmīd: Universal History: The Vulgate Recension. Part 1, Section 1: From Adam to the End of the Achaemenids (Chapters 1–91), written by Martino Diez. In: Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, Vol. 76: 1 -4 [Forthcoming]

Stutz, Jonathan (2023): [Rezension von] Christine Luckritz Marquis: Death of the Desert. Monastic Memory and the Loss of Egypt's Golden Age, Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion, Philadelphia, PA. (University of Pennsylvania Press) 2022. In: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, Vol. 27, No. 3: pp. 540-544

Stutz, Jonathan (2018): [Rezension von] Isidore de Péluse. Lettres, III: Lettres, 1701–2000. By Pierre Évieux and Nicolas Vinel. (Sources Chrétiennes, 586.) Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2013. In: Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 69, No. 4: pp. 832-834 [PDF, 45kB]

Stutz, Jonathan (2018): [Rezension von] Isidore de Péluse. Lettres III: Lettres, 1701-2000. By Pierre Évieux and Nicolas Vinel. (Sources Chrétiennes, 586.) Pp. 499. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2013. In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 69, No. 4: pp. 832-834

Stutz, Jonathan (2018): [Rezension von] The Orthodox Church in the Arab world: 700 - 1700. An anthology of sources, ed by Samuel Noble and Alexander Treiger, DeKalb Ill. - Northern Illinois Univ. Press 2014. In: Orthodoxes Forum : Zeitschrift des Instituts für Orthodoxe Theologie der Universität München, Vol. 32: pp. 257-259

Conference or Workshop Item

Stutz, Jonathan (2019): St. Michael of Mar Saba and its Georgian version. International Summer School in Georgian Manuscript at the K. Kekelidze National Center of Manuscripts, Tbilisi, Georgia, 10. - 20. Juli 2019. Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts, Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (ed.) , In: “Geogian Manuscript” - International Summer School and Conference: Conference Proceedings, Tbilisi: pp. 25-30 [PDF, 879kB]

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