Anzahl der Publikationen: 3
Barbieri, E.; Gion, M.; Mariani, L.; Stieber, P.; Rubino, D.; Fanti, S.; Baum, R.; Wirtz, R.; Bernardi, A.; Cacciari, N.; Quercia, S.; Lenzi, M.; Cubelli, M.; Pizzirani, C.; Carapelle, M.; Pagliaro, M.; Tomasini, S.; Toracchio, S. und Zamagni, C.
Three-monthly dynamic evaluation of CEA and CA15-3 and 18-FDG PET vs usual practice in the follow-up of early breast cancer patients: a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial (KRONOS - Patient-Oriented New Surveillance-Study Italy).
In: Annals of Oncology, Bd. 28
Zamagni, C.; Gion, M.; Mariani, L.; Stieber, P.; Quercia, S.; Rubino, D.; Bernardi, A.; Cacciari, N.; Fini, A.; Lenzi, M.; Minichillo, S.; Pizzirani, C.; Pagliaro, M.; Tomasini, S. und Barbieri, E.
Three-monthly dynamic evaluation of CEA and CA15-3 (followed by 18-FDG PET) vs usual practice in the follow-up of early breast cancer (BC) patients (pts): A prospective randomized trial (KRONOS-patient-oriented new surveillance study, Italy).
In: Cancer Research, Bd. 77
Andrist, Patrick
Les testimonia de l’Ad Quirinum de Cyprien et leur influence sur la polémique antijudaïque latine postérieure. Proposition de méthode autour de Dt 28,66 et Nm 23,19.
In: D'Anna, A.; Zamagni, C. und Jurissevich, E. (Hrsg.):
Cristianesimi nell’antichità: Fonti, istituzioni, ideologie a confronto. Spudasmata, Bd. 117. Zürich, New York: S. 175-198
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